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College Application Support 2023

Dear S4-S6 families

As you will be aware from previous communications, full time college applications open mid-January 2023 for full time courses starting in August 2023.  It is vital that college applications are made as soon as possible because colleges start to offer places immediately and popular courses can often fill up before March.  If a young person in S4 or S5 is considering leaving after the exam diet in June, we would suggest they make college applications in January as courses can always be declined during the summer holidays if a young person decides to return to school.

To support young people and families with the college application process, we are running a series of in-school support sessions after school which young people and families can attend.  These will be one-to-one appointments and will be led by our Pathways Team including our Careers Advisors.  Help can be given with personal statements and the completion of college applications, as well as support in researching pathways. 

If you or your young person would like to attend, please complete the short form which can be accessed via the QR code on the attached document or on our school website and year group teams.  We will then email you with a specific time for your appointment.

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