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S5/6 Tracking Report

Subject teachers have recently given an early indication regarding progress for all pupils in Fifth and Sixth Year. It is vitally important that a steady and consistent work rate is maintained throughout the session if pupils are to achieve their full potential.

The working grade provided is based on the candidates’ current demonstration of attainment in all aspects of the course. Overleaf is a table indicating what each number equates to in terms of SQA grades.

You will receive a full report with areas of strength and areas for future development in November 2019 and if we require early interventions about any individual progress then you will be invited to the S4-6 Targeted Parents / Carer evening on 24 October.

S4-6 Prelim Examinations will take place during the two week period commencing

Monday 13 January 2020 and further details will be issued prior to the Christmas break. Following these examinations you will receive an updated Tracking Report to reflect their performance.

If you wish to discuss the contents of this report further please telephone your child’s own Pastoral Care Teacher in the first instance.