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Extra curricular opportunities at Hyndland - S1-S6

Students will be given information over the next few weeks regarding the wide range of extra-curricular opportunities available here at Hyndland Secondary School.

Our S1 students will find out about the huge range of sports clubs on offer next during their PE period when they will attend a 'freshers fayre' event.  They will also find out at year group assemblies about other opportunities such as Music opportunities, STEM Club and the ever popular S1 Science Club.  We are looking for each and every S1 student to commit to at least one extra curricular activity during their first year at Hyndland.  It is a fantastic way to meet new friends, to develop personal qualities which will help them throughout their life and also because they are great fun!

A booklet detailing the clubs and other opportunities available for all students will be issued very soon and will be posted here on the school website.  There are also notice-boards in both buildings of the school with detailed information about the clubs and opportunities.