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S2 Parents - Options Information Evening - Thursday 23rd February

On Thursday 23rd February 2017 we will hold an information evening for parents/carers of S2 learners.  The purpose of the evening is to provide parents and carers with an overview of the S2 options process which all S2 students will be making during the months of March-May.  Mr Greechan, Depute Head Teacher for S2, will provide an overview of the options process and our S2-S3 curriculum.  Kate McMahon, our school Careers Advisor from Skills Development Scotland, will also be available on the evening to chat to parents about option choices and provide information on My World of Work and Plan it Plus websites which can help both students and parents as they embark on the options choice process.  A member of the Pastoral Care team will also be in attendance who will provide information about the one-to-one interviews which they will be conducting soon with all S2 students, as well as some information on the careers and options input delivered through the PSE programme.  We look forward to welcoming S2 parents/carers to the school then.