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First Day Arrangements for Students - Wednesday 15th August

We are very much looking forward to welcoming students back to Hyndland Secondary for the coming session of 2018/2019. 

Students will return to school on Wednesday 15th August at 8.45am.  Upon returning on the first day the arrangements are as follows:


New S1 Year Group - meet in the playground at 8.45am and make their way into the Airlie Theatre - staff will be in the playground to guide pupils to the theatre.  Class lists will be displayed in the foyer entrance of the Airlie building for students to check their class name/number.  They will then be escorted to their Personal Support Time class following a brief year group assembly.  During their extended class in the morning they will be issued with timetables, planners and other important information to take home for their parents/carers.


S2-S6 Year Groups - students should check the lists of Personal Support Time classes which will be displayed in both foyers of the Lauderdale and Airlie buildings - rooms will be allocated for each class - students should then make their way to their PST class as indicated on these lists for an 8.45am start.