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S4 Parental Reports - Sept 2018

On Tuesday 25th September all students in S4 were issued with parental tracking reports to take home to pass on to parents/carers.  This first tracking report will give parents an idea of the working grade in each subject i.e. what grade the student is currently achieving in each curricular area as well as ratings for effort, behaviour and homework.

Along with this tracking report students were issued with S4 outlines of the key assessment dates and assessment criteria for each subject in S4.

If any parent/carer wishes to discuss the tracking report they should contact their child's pastoral care teacher as below:

Classes 4L1 and 4L2 - Mrs Pollock

Classes 4K1 and 4K2 - Mrs Ritchie

Class 4R - Mrs Mills and Ms Ahmed

Class 4T - Mr Carstairs


The parental letter which accompanied the reports can be accessed by clicking on the link below: