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BGE (S1-S3)
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The course is designed to help pupils:

·         Develop their Historical Skills

·         Reflect upon past people and societies

·         Understand how different choices have shaped the modern world

·         Evaluate and Analyse information in order to present their own opinion upon a historical matter



Specific Areas of Learning in History

·         Understand Place, heritage and culture of Scotland and appreciating local and national heritage within the world

·         Developing an understand of the world by learning about how people live today and in the past

·         Understanding economic, political, social and environmental issues

·         Being aware of change, cause and effect and chronology



The History Course

These aims are initially met in S1 through a course of study entitled;

1.   Peoples of Scotland’

2.   and ‘Wallace and Bruce’.

In S2 Pupils focus upon the modern world and study

3.   The Rise of Hitler and

4.   The Era of WW2

In S3 Pupils will study the Impact of WW1 on Scotland

5.   Era of the Great War