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Senior Phase Chemistry
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Everything we hear, see, smell, taste and touch involves chemistry and chemicals. Even the process of hearing, seeing, tasting and touching all involve complex series of chemical reactions and interactions within our own bodies. Chemistry is everywhere, and in order to understand the world around us, an understanding of chemistry at some level is crucial.

Within our chemistry courses we strive to produce responsible, well informed scientists who are enthusiastic to learn and can communicate their knowledge to others. Chemistry is a popular subject across all levels in Hyndland. From our S3 BGE chemistry course through to our National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses, pupils will gain a grounding in chemical principles, while developing their capacity for abstract thinking, problem solving, scientific method and practical expertise.  

S3 BGE Curriculum

Topics covered include: Processes of the Planet, Properties and Uses of Substances, Earths Materials, Chemical Changes

In S3 Chemistry we develop our pupil's understanding of the key concepts in chemistry, developing a solid foundation on which the National 5 course can build.  Key foundation topics covered include rates of reaction, structure of the atom and bonding.  In addition we study homologous series and polymers and also help pupils develop their key skills such as naming compounds including organics, chemical and ionic formula and word and symbol equations.   Pupils are given many opportunities to gain practical experience in the subject.

National 5 Curriculum

3 units are studied: Chemical Changes and Structure, Nature's Chemistry, Chemistry in Society

In National 5 Chemistry we build on the skills and knowledge acquired in S3.  We extend pupil's experience of naming and balancing chemical equations and introduce them to the mole and calculations based on molar ratios. We complete the National 5 units by studying acids and alkalis including titration, metals and their properties and nuclear chemistry.  As with S3 much of the learning comes from the practical experience of the subject

Higher Curriculum

3 units are studied: Chemical Changes and Structure, Nature's Chemistry, Chemistry in Society

At Higher level we further extend and refine our pupils understanding of the subject.  The course starts with a consideration of collision theory and extend pupil's understanding of bonding and properties in the elements.  In unit 2 pupil's skills in naming organic compounds are consolidated and their knowledge of homologous series is widened within real life applications.  The final unit focuses on calculations in chemistry and their application, including Hess's Law, Le Chatelier's principle and the concept of excess.  Again there are many opportunities for learning through practical experience.

Advanced Higher Curriculum

3 units are studied: Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis, Researching Chemistry

Revision resources for all Chemistry students can be found at the Chemistry @ Hyndland PageBBC Bitesize (Nat 5 Chemistry)BBC Bitesize (Higher Chemistry), as well as a host of resources which can be accessed through Glow including Scholar and Twig.