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You are here: History > Higher

The purpose of this course is to open up the world of the past for learners.


History provides learners with insights into their own lives and into the society and wider world in which they live.


By examining the past, learners can better understand their own communities, their country and the wider world.


Through an understanding of the concept of continuity, they can better appreciate change and its significance, both in their own times and in the past.

Assessment and course structure

In order to achieve Higher standard pupils will be required to meet a number of standards and will be assessed throughout the year.

1. A Unit assessment after each Historical study

2. Timed essay assessments (British and European topic)

3. Homework essays (British and European topic)

4. Source evaluation (Scottish topic)

5. Historical assignment – Researched at home and completed under timed conditions

6. SQA exam 2 hours 20 minutes (60 marks)


The History Course

Pupils will be examined on three Historical Studies

1. Britain 1851-1951

(Evaluating the impact of complex historical developments in a well- structured manner)


2. Rise of Nationalism - German and Italian Nationalism


(Analysing the factors contributing towards complex historical developments, drawing well-reasoned conclusions supported by evidence)


3. Wars of Scottish Independence 1287 – 1328


(Evaluating a range of historical sources with reference to their origin, purpose content and context)