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Advanced Higher
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The course is designed to help pupils:


Demonstrate a rigour and thoroughness of independent thought


Critically analyse existing historical research, including identifying important lines of argument and evaluating schools of thought on particular historical issues


Analyse historical sources with regard to authorship and purpose, standpoint and historical and historiographical context


Develop an understanding of the relationship between factors contributing to, and the impact of, complex historical events


Synthesise primary sources and perspectives from historical research to analyse complex historical issues and sustain lines of argument which reflect the complexity of the issues they address


Adopt a relevant and structured approach to the research of a historical issue drawing conclusions in a clear and well-reasoned way, while reflecting the complexity of the issue under consideration and the limitations of the available evidence


Assessment and course structure

In order to achieve Advanced Higher standard pupils will be required to meet a number of standards and will be assessed throughout the year.

1. Timed essay assessments

2. Homework essays

3. Historical Dissertation – Researched at home and in school.

SQA exam - 2h.30m completion of one essay and three source questions

The History Course

Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of the Second World War (1918-1939)ns