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S1 Residential Trip to Barcaple - 11th-15th September 2017

During the week beginning Monday 11th September 2017 our S1 students will attend their first residential trip as a member of Hyndland Secondary School.  The trip is a fantastic way for our new students to meet other students from across their year group and form new friendships which will last during their time at the school and even beyond.  The week is structured as follows:

Monday - Wednesday - Classes 1A, 1B and 1C will attend

Wednesday - Friday - Classes 1D, 1E and 1F will attend

Students have already received information about this trip but parents/carers can click on the link below to access the leaflet which has been issued to all students.  Payments and consent forms should be returned to the school asap.  Parents will also find out further information about the trip at our up coming S1 Information Evening due to be held at 6pm on Thursday 24th August. 

If you have any further questions / concerns please contact either Mrs Forrester (Depute Head Teacher S1), your child's Pastoral Care Teacher or Ms Neilson and/or Ms Burns who are responsible for organising the trip.

Those students who do not attend will take part in in-school activities during the week.