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Senior Phase Biology
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Biology in the 21st century is an exciting and ever expanding field with a vast number of career paths. Most universities require Higher biology for studying medicine, veterinary medicine or dentistry. We hope to stimulate pupils’ curiosity about themselves, other living organisms and the natural world around them; to encourage them to become aware of the importance of biology in their life as responsible citizens. 

Although pupils are introduced to biology in S1 and S2 through some of our BGE science units, biology is taught as a discrete subject from S3 onwards and has always proved a very popular subject with many students in the senior phase taking the opportunity to study biology from National 5 through Higher and some to Advanced Higher level.

S3 BGE Curriculum

Topics covered include: Body systems and Cells, Inheritance, Biodiversity and Interdependence

National 5 Curriculum

3 units are studied: Cell Biology, Multicellular Organisms, Life on Earth.

Higher Curriculum

3 units are studied: DNA and the Genome, Metabolism and Survival, Sustainability and Interdependence.

Advanced Higher Curriculum

3 units are studied: Investigative Biology, Cells and Proteins, Organisms and Evolution,

Revision resources for all biology students can be found at the Biology @ Hyndland page, BBC Bitesize (Nat 5 Biology), BBC Bitesize (Higher Biology), as well as a host of resources which can be accessed through Glow including Scholar and Twig.